Friday, September 17, 2010


It has been almost a year since “the great flood” caused by Typhoon Ondoy wrought its fury in our country. This flood affected more than 90% of our municipality of Cainta and all of us experienced the harrowing effects of this flood. Although it is an accepted fact that the massive flooding was caused by the unprecedented quantity of rainfall never seen before in the recent history of our country, it also cannot be denied that the flood was made worse because most of our waterways are clogged with garbage and wastes.
As we commemorate the first anniversary of “the great flood” on September 26, 2010, we in the Parish of Our Lady of Light deem it worthy to bring to mind this distressing event in a more constructive manner. It is by means of launching a Proper Waste Disposal and Cleanliness Drive. The reason is clear: one reason why our community gets flooded so easily is because of the garbage that litters our surrounding and clog our waterways. It has always been said that “Prevention is better than cure.” Instead of blaming the government for not being able to thoroughly clean our surrounding, it would be much better if our citizens would first strive to keep their surrounding clean and stop throwing their garbage in public domain.
The sad truth is our surrounding is dirty. Our people have the dreadful habit of throwing and leaving their trash in public areas. The government is doing its part in cleaning our roads and waterways but garbage always find their way back. Unfortunately, many of our people are unconcerned about the menacing effects of litters and garbage being thrown in our surrounding.
It has also been said that “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” But it could also be said that cleanliness is prerequisite to Godliness. We need to be concerned with our environment not only to preserve the one and only abode that we have and prevent the adverse effects of environmental destruction. There is a more profound reason: the earth is God’s creation and we cannot truly say that we love God unless we care for His creation. Care for the earth is an integral part of our Christianity. Concern for the environment is a demand of Christian faith!
 Can this be done? We have seen that several cities have made it a habit of their citizens to maintain their community clean. This has been done in the cities of Olongapo, Davao, Puerto Princesa and recently in Marikina. And these are big cities that have maintained their cleanliness. Ours is not a very big municipality. Although thickly populated, we believe that Cainta could be a community where people are educated and trained to maintain cleanliness of our community. We have this grand vision to transform Cainta into the cleanest municipality in the country.
Beginning this year, we can adapt the theme – Cainta: Bayang Malinis, or something to that effect. We need to impress upon all citizenry the dire need to keep our surroundings clean and prevent all forms of disposing our waste in public. Otherwise, we will once again, and again, face the spectre of another Ondoy.
In view of this, the Parish of Our Lady of Light spearheads and calls upon all our faithful to join this campaign. It is imperative that we start educating our people towards proper waste disposal. This is the first step and the least that we can do in order to help prevent flash flooding and take care of our environment. We implore all to help in this noble endeavour.
Thus, we call upon all citizens of good will to avoid all forms of littering and throwing their waste in public domain. Let us all together strive to make our community clean and free of all unsightly and unwanted wastes.
-       We call upon all parents to give good example and train your children not to litter in public.
-       We call upon all teachers and school officials to make this campaign part of your curriculum.
-       We call upon business enterprises to make cleanliness and environmental concern the primary direction of your corporate social responsibility.
-       We call upon civic organizations to help provide more waste disposal bins in our communities.
-       We call upon community leaders to initiate a massive clean-up drive.
 And lastly, we call upon all our government officials to enforce the anti-littering law. The Metro Manila Development Authority has recently begun this campaign this month of September 2010. Let us immediately follow suit to this noble endeavour so that we can make Cainta a truly clean and environmentally-friendly municipality -- a town we can all truly be proud of!